Montag, 27. September 2010


Nach rund zweimonatiger Sommerpause bin ich zurück mit einem Jazzleckerbissen aus Detroit. Wenn man die Motor-town und das Black Music Genre durch den Fleischwolf dreht kommt unten meistens Soul-Queen Aretha Franklin oder Rap-Superstar Eminem raus. Für einmal steht jedoch ein ganz anderer im Scheinwerferlicht - der Jazzpianist James Tatum.
Mr. James Tatum himself beantwortete mir exklusiv einige Fragen zu seinem Spiritual-Jazz Meisterwerk "Contemporary Jazz Mass". 
Als ich das Album vor ca. drei Jahren das erste Mal hörte war ich überwältigt. So etwas hatte ich zuvor noch nie gehört. Ruhiger, melancholischer, spiritueller Modaljazz mit teilweise fast meditativem Charakter. Hier schon mal eine kleine Kostprobe...

The Interview

Pesa: "The "Jazz Mass" album is on your own label JTTP records. Why and when did you start your own label?"

James Tatum:"The James Tatum Trio Plus has been incorporated as a business in entertainment since 1969,  All original compositions copyrights are in the exclusive property of JTTP, Inc."

Pesa: "Do you know how many copies of this record have been pressed?"

James Tatum: "In the beginning year of 1975, there were over 5'000 pressed recorded LP's made during this year."

Pesa: "There exist two different covers of the record. One is in color, the other one is just black and white. What's the story behind these two different covers?"

James Tatum:"At that time, I wanted to find out which cover would be markable for direct promotion. The first choice was color but the black and white was more economical."

Pesa: "What was the reaction and feedback of the crowd in the church in May 1973, when you played your jazz mass for the first time?"

James Tatum:"It was a big success. Since that year, The Contemporary Jazz Mass has been performed in many of the Catholic churches in the city of Detroit. Excerpts from the Jazz Mass has been performed in other denomination churches. Other cities such as Chicago, Dallas and Minneapolis."

Pesa:  "Was the LP recorded in May 1973 during that first performance in the St. Cecilia church?"

James Tatum: "No, it was not recorded during the first performance, but later in 1974 at St. Cecilia Church."

Pesa: "Have you planned to perform in Europe again, maybe even in Switzerland?"

James Tatum: "By special request from the Arts Council of Switzerland, I would love to perform The Contemporary Jazz Mass in Concert."
In 2008, the revised Contemporary Jazz Mass has been recorded on DVD.

Mr. James Tatum, Thank you very much for talking from behind the scenes of an extraordinary jazz record!

James Tatum ist heute noch als Jazzpianist und Komponist tätig. Er geht regelmässig in Schulen und fördert bei Schülern und Studenten das Verständnis für die Jazzmusik und deren Geschichte. Mit seiner James Tatum Foundation versucht er junge Talente in verschiedenen künstlerischen Bereichen zu fördern.
Checkt seine Webseiten:
